President Barack Obama gives a shout out to Cape Breton Island

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Clipboard02_Image_Barack_ObamaMarch 10, 2016, Included as part of President Barack Obama’s remarks at the White House dinner last evening was a shout out to the warm welcome offered by Cape Breton Island to American residents considering purchasing a home and moving to the island if Donald Trump were to be elected as President.

He also joked that it they greatly appreciated the residents and good neighbors of Canada for rejecting any ideas about building a wall along their shared border between British Columbia and New Brunswick.  View Video Of President Obama’s Remarks

Bloomberg Reports Fitch raises Dominican Republic Rating

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Nov, 22, 2014 A report from Bloomberg identified a that Fitch Ratings had raised the Dominican Republic’s credit rating. Reasons provided for the increase include growth within Dominican Republic’s tourism industry, growth from its gold exports, as well as a reduction in its current account deficit as one of the the Caribbean’s largest economies.

Further details on the change in its credit rating can be found here: Dominican Today

Bermuda Confirmed Host of 2017 America’s Cup

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After an initial AP news report on Thursday that Bermuda had been successful in its bid to host the America’s Cup, some questions still remained.

Emirates Team New Zealand had not received word of the decision. They were expecting the decision to be announced at a Dec press conference in New York.

Following a day of uncertainty it appears the decision has now been confirmed by an official involved with the San Diego bid.

For added details:  Bermuda’s:  Royal Gazette


Bernews Reporting Updates Post Hurricane Gonzalos

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Reports, photos and updates are presently coming in from Bernews on the impact of Hurricane Gonzalos and its hit on Bermuda.

They advise that Police have reported no loss of life and that initial reports from the hospital indicate some storm related injuries but none that were critical.  Images can be viewed of the causeway, Belco beginning to repair the electrical grid as well as general storm related damage on its Facebook page.

On its Bernews Website they report that Premier Michael Dunkley has characterized the storm’s impact as “Bermuda is bruised but Unbowed”.

These updates will hopefully provide some comfort to those from away, living off island or to friends with friends in Bermuda.

Bermuda’s Hurricane Gonzalo – Videos in the Storm

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For those of you with an interest in following Hurricane Gonzalo and its impacts on Bermuda, we’ve connected to a few of the videos posted on Bermuda Meme.

As more information comes in on the storm and its results, we’ll add new post for post-storm information.

The Power of Hurricane Gonzalo:

Bermuda’s Warwick Long Bay 7 Hours Pre-Storm Hit – Hurricane Gonzalo

Chaplin Bay 12 hours before the Storm “Hit”

Lee Abbamonte’s 30 Best Islands in The World

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Earlier this month (May 7, 2014) Lee Abbamonte published a blog list representing his opinion of the 30 best islands in the world.  Recognized as a travel expert Lee is renowned  as the youngest American to visit every country in the world having undertaken trips and excursions to some 312 total countries.

Lee’s list on islands follows a previously successful post of his view on the 30 best cities in the world.  Admittedly he has not traveled to every island but has set foot on many of them and virtually all of the known and / or populated islands.

Its an enticing list to review. Some island names from the Caribbean and around the world are readily recognizable including Bermuda, Aruba and Roatan while others are an education and will need some of your own research.

For more on Lee  Abbamonte’s travel experiences and to view his list of the Best Islands in the world you can visit his blog at:  Lee Abbamonte Travel Expert

Turks and Caicos Annex to Canada…?

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CTV Ottawa reported today that a delegation of officials from the Turks and Caicos Islands were meeting with Canada’s Prime Minister in Ottawa. The group included the Island’s Premier and Minister of Tourism Rufus Ewing.

The subject of Canada annexing the Turks and Caicos is not new. It surfaced back in the 1970’s when Pierre Elliott Trudeau was Prime Minister and has continued to surface since that time.

The question being asked in the CTV report is: “Will the Turks and Caicos become Canada’s 11th province?” Some Canadians and others have taken to providing their opinions on local blogs – with some in favor and others against the idea.

For added details of the story visit Ottawa CTV News.

Bermuda’s Agars Island Listed for Sale

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It was reported today in the April 15, 2014 edition of the Royal Gazette that Agar’s Island has been listed for sale.

Also known as Gunpowder Island the property was reputed to have been previously employed as a secretive store for military hardware.

The property was home to well-known and respected leader / contributorr in computer science and futuristic technologies – Dr. James Martin.

Additional information on this island and its background can be found at TheRoyalGazette’s website or on Private Islands Online.

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